Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Who is the new kid?!

I am the new kid and Jess is my name, fashion is my game! I have always been interested in the arts, especially contemporary styles, be it spray canned on a wall or framed nicely in a gallery. It's always struck me as wow, what was the artist feeling and what do they want others to see when they look at their work.... "Remember my work and not me" a wise man once told me. This is amazing advise!

So being me, I follow my own styles and try to be a bit different. I take inspirations from pasts gone by and forgotten by many. Shame really.
My favourite time era would be, I'm going to cheat and say two, because the 1920's are so elegant and the 1950's were probable the last decade to be glamourous. I am sure that i was born in the wrong time era, even the 1950's is too late for me although the dresses were gorgous and the culture is just so interesting; I am so sure I was ment to be born a Victorian. To have been a seamstress at that time would have been so exciting, no one knew fashions unless the saw drawings on the corner gas street light. Streets then were really like catwalks all the beautiful intricate detailing on the dresses. oh i could go on forever about the Victorian era.

But, I won't....yet!

I am a determind, quiet average student, with an obsession for fashion!

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